Monday 30 November 2009

Hello there. I am attempting to raise at least £5,000 for a series of child orientated charities operating throughout Mongolia due to countries poor infrastructures the charities really are a lifeline for many families and their children which is an area I feel duly passionately about.

I am therefore taking part in the great Mongol rally/July 2010 which consists of driving 10,000 miles in a ridiculously unsuitable 1ltr ancient relic of an automobile in which I am going to have to traverse some of the most unsavory terrain known to man. The rally is totally unsupported with no back-up anywhere along the way, I’ve driven for approximately 7 months in my entire life but, I am determined to succeed!

Germany, Poland, Romania, Iraq, Iran, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgystan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongola, Russia, who knows where I’ll end up but one thing is for sure, in the rallys history only 50% of participants have be known to make it in any one year! No hotels, no hostels, road side camping all the way, it should take between 3-5 weeks depending our bargaining and haggling skills with the authorities, I may have to stick my sister in the boot as a trading tool for when I get myself into any unforseen sicky situations.

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